FILM SCORESFilm "Camino sin salida: Infección Llanes". Trailer. Rubén Peña  2025. 

Opening Film  "The purple car" by Socraty Films
Sequence "Any day" from the movie "The purple car" (Socraty Films)

Sequence "Street Robbery" from the movie "The purple car" (Socraty Films)

Short film "Renacer" (Excerpt)

Short film "Pills"

Movie "State of Consciousness" (USA) (Excerpt).mp3

Short film "Capgras". Excerpt.mp3

Short film "Microinfarto". End credits.mp3

Short film "Que no se enteren los vecinos". End credits.mp3

Short film "Amarraditos". End credits.mp3

Short Film "Amargo". End Credits. (Prelude Fugue nº 6)

Short Film "Misterioso Suceso en Cangas". Opening credits.mp3

Short film "B-Real". End credits.mp3

Short film "Forest Whisper".Excerpt.mp3

Short film "Haizea". End credits.mp3

Short film "El parche". End credits.mp3

Documentary film "21x12". End credits.mp3

"Tristes guerras" for cello and piano. 

Documentary film "Rosas con Voz". Credits.mp3

(Fugue on a theme by Gedalge)

Short Film "Fase 3" End Credits.mp3

Short Film "Las cosas del bus" Excerpt.wav

Short Film "Solo" Excerpt.wav

Documentary film "Fernandez-Pratsch". Excerpt.mp3

Audience Award for Best Short Film at the 29th Madrid Film Festival, 2020

Audience Award at the 5th Berlin Revolution Film Festival, 2021

Audience Award at 4th Mostra OUT! Islas Baleares, 2021 

First prize for the best documentary short film at the 24th International FanCineGay Film Festival of Extremadura,2021

First prize for the best documentary short film at the 35th International Image+Nation Film Festival of Montreal,2022

 Film  "The purple car" teasers and trailer by Socraty Film

Short film "Muda" teaser by Trilupa Films

Short film "Rose" by Govinda Kumar


 Short film "Haizea" by Jon Mikel Gutiérrez; Trailer

Short Film "Capgras".Trailer


Animation Short Film "Caperucita , los tres cerditos y el lobo: La broma"

Music for animated logo (Producer Imagina Cine)

Animation Short Film "Terramiga"

Finalist in the film festival "Notodofilmfest" 2020 :

"Best animated film"

"Iberdrola Award. Our planet"

Animation Short Film "U.F.O. (Ultimate Friendship Oath)" (México) Extract.mp3

Animation Short Film "Antes de comer" by David Ibernia.

Second prize at the I Lamucca Company Short Film Competition in Madrid (2021)

Resultados de traducci

Animation Short Film "El mejor truco del mundo" by David ibernia. (2022).

Finalist in the film festival "Notodofilmfest" 2022 .

Animation Short Film "Némesis" by David ibernia. (2022).

First prize for the best short film animated at the II International film festival "CineXposé".(New York, 2023).

Children's Jury Award at the XXV International short film festival "Ciudad de Soria". (Spain, 2023).

Honorable mention at the "Bugarte" Film and Visual Arts Festival. (Colombia, 2023).

Animation Short Film "The Secret Life Of Your Father"  (2023).

Finalist in the film festival "Notodofilmfest" (2023) .

Animation Short Film "Cosmos Claus" (2024).

First prize for the best short humor 1 min film at the VIII International film festival "TaShortFest".(Spain, 2024).


Mediaeval Tavern. Black Bear Tavern. Excerpt

Monstruos Preparativos para un ataque.mp3

Monstruos Attack.mp3

 Happy Birthday Country


Alarma !!. Mp3



Jingle "Douglas is great" for Douglas Laboratories.mp3

Peace Glass (Winner of minimalist music contest Audiodraft 2016).mp3
 ( Finland)

Horror (Winner of "Score a video; Choose your mood. Edition 2" contest Audiodraft.mp3 (Finland)

Test for Appdinamycs 

Spot glasses Hawkers (Producer: Cinco Elementos)

Spot "Ariño Hotel Spa" 2018 (Producer: AAC Visuals) (2ª Prize)

Spot Anti Covid Campaign of the Cox (Alicante) Town Hall


Audio Logo Argo (Dominaria, augmented reality company for mobile)

Audio Logo Dominaria 


Presentation of Sergio AbeVilla's photographs at the "Exodos" 2018 congress.


Cover for Tik-Tok Network Challenge (Barry White).

Bodegas Canasta Instagram Contest, Jerez de la Frontera; For the actress Aránzazu Echeverría.